Pregnancy and Birth Support Services

“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves”



I'm dedicated to empowering parents to create a positive and nurturing beginning of life for their little ones.

I'll take you on a journey beyond the ordinary, weaving in the latest insights into what babies truly experience during pregnancy, birth, and the first 1000 days outside the womb.

Unlike most childbirth courses, I invite parents to explore ideas supported by various fields of study, including prenatal psychology, epigenetics, neuroscience, interpersonal biology, and attachment. We delve into the understanding that the foundations for both physical and emotional health are laid during pregnancy, making the womb the child's first unintentional classroom. Surprisingly, babies are quite smart even before birth, with senses and memory in action before physiological structures fully form.

In every phenomenon, the beginning remains always the most notable moment”